JCMA Statement To Our Muslim Sisters And Brothers
11th July 2016 We watched with sadness and horror the tragic events of the last days of Ramadan and can’t imagine how …
11th July 2016 We watched with sadness and horror the tragic events of the last days of Ramadan and can’t imagine how …
As this year draws to a close the Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia wishes all our members, friends, supporters and volunteersa …
The 6th Annual General Meeting of the Jewish Christian Muslim Associationof Australia [JCMA] was held on November 21st 2013. Some forty people …
At taste of Faith forum on June 16 drew a good crowd of mostly women from the three Abrahamic faiths to the …
It was pleasing to see so many old and new friends at our AGM. JCMA is growing with confidence. Thank you to …