Wisdom And Our Faiths’ JCMA Conference -Sunday 11th Sept 2022
Wisdom And Our Faiths – JCMA Conference
Sunday 11th Sept 2022

But what is wisdom?” For centuries, philosophers (literally: ‘lovers of wisdom’) have sought an answer to this question. And our faith communities have rich traditions for those seeking wisdom in scriptures and in daily life.
We invite Jewish, Christian and Muslims to come together to explore the theme through our stories, scriptures and teachings and the various ways wisdom is a part of our faith traditions. We will hear from a range of speakers who will explore this theme with opportunities for conference participants to add to the many discussions around wisdom.
Date: Sunday, 11th Sept 2022
Time: 2.00pm – 5.00pm
Format: On-line.
To Register: Eventbrite link
Cost: FREE
Zoom link will be sent to those who register nearer the event time.
For more information: Call Lorraine 0419 687 593 or Ginette Everest 0400 211 221
Look forward to seeing you there.
Hope In The Midst of Life
JCMA Conference
Day 2 – Sunday 22nd August 2021
As people of Faith we are learning to live with uncertainty in all areas of our lives. This conference invites participants to think about the various ways in which our faiths understand hope.
On Day 1 we explored together hope through our stories, scriptures, and teachings and through people who have inspired us.
On Day 2 we hear from three speakers with their reflections on who or what has inspired Hope for them in their lives. In Session 2, ‘Hope As A Catalyst For Change’, there is an opportunity to share in groups our own thoughts and reflections.
The plenary session brings the two-day conference to a close with a focus on how do we and our communities provide strong foundations to sustain and give us Hope In the Midst Of Life’ and ‘How is JCMA ‘A Catalyst For Hope In Our Communities’?
Date: Sunday 22nd August
Times: 2pm-5.30pm
Place: ON ZOOM. Cost: FREE
Registration: https://jcmahopeinmidstoflifeday2.eventbrite.com.au
Program information: Day 2 program click here: JCMA Conference Program Day 2.
For More Information: Contact Lorraine by email: secretary@jcma.org.au or call: 0419 687 593.
Please note: For those of you who have already booked in and paid for the conference: We will be providing a refund and will contact you later next week with further details.
Hope In The Midst of Life’ JCMA Conference
Updated Program – DAY 1 Now Free & On Zoom
As people of Faith, we are learning to live with uncertainty in all areas of our lives. Given the current lockdown in Melbourne we decided to move to a Zoom only format and hold it a free event. This conference invites participants to think about the various ways in which our faiths understand hope. Together we will explore hope through our stories, scriptures, and teachings, and through people who have inspired us. How can we and our communities maintain the strong foundations that sustain and give us Hope In the Midst Of Life’? Our keynote speaker – Cath Connelly, is author of Handbook of Hope, Emerging Stories Beyond a Disintegrating World’.
This is a two day program over two Sunday afternoons. For Day 1 program click here: JCMA Conference Program. We will provide further details for Day 2 at a later date.
Program Details
Dates: Sunday 25th July & Sunday 22nd August
Times: 2pm-5.30pm
Place: ON ZOOM. Cost: FREE
Registration: https://jcmahopeinmidstoflifev2.eventbrite.com.au
Program information: Day 1 program click here: JCMA Conference Program. We will provide further details for Day 2 at a later date.
For More Information: Contact Lorraine by email: secretary@jcma.org.au or call: 0419 687 593.
Please note: For those of you who have already booked in and paid for the conference: We will be providing a refund and will contact you later next week with further details.
JCMA Winter Conference Is Back!
We will be exploring the theme of Finding HOPE in the Midst of Life – Jewish, Muslim and Christian perspectives.
We will be presenting face to face for the first time since COVID 19 and be on ZOOM for some of the sessions for those who prefer. Further information about the program and registration details will be provided closer to the dates.
Dates: Sunday July 25 and Monday July 26 2021
Where: St Paul’s Retreat Centre, Wantirna South.
Further enquiries: Lorraine 0419 687 593
We hope you can join us for this exciting event.
Kindness & Love in a Time of Separation
Perspectives From The Three Abrahamic Faiths, 9th August 2020
Join us at the Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia (JCMA) in a free on line event on the theme, ‘ Kindness & Love in a Time of Separation – Perspectives From The Three Abrahamic Faiths’.
We have invited six amazing speakers from the Abrahamic faith communities to participate in two panel discussions reflecting on the effects of COVID-19 on our communities and the challenges and lessons learned. Session one runs from 2.00pm – 3.15pm and session two from 3.30pm – 4.45pm. After each session there will be time for Q & A with a moderator.
Event Details
Date: Sunday 9 August 2020
Time: 2.00pm – 5.15pm. Entry to Zoom from 1.50 pm
Theme: Kindness & Love in a Time of Separation
Cost: Free
Where: On line using Zoom. All those registered with be emailed the Zoom link for the virtual event including instructions for using Zoom.
Session 1 – 2.00pm to 3.15pm Grassroots reflection
• Meriem Abida – CEO, Benevolence Australia
• Noreen Lockhart – Co-responsible, Focolare Foundation, Oceania
• Mandi Katz, Limmud Oz Organiser
In a moderated panel discussion with grassroot community leaders we will reflect on the many ways in which community is affected by physical separation. What are the range of problems presented during this time of separation? What sort of long-term changes might this have on faith and on faith communities? What sort of provision is there in the different faith traditions that has helped to cope, maintain, and nurture each community.
Session 2 – 3.30pm to 4.45pm Faith Leaders reflections
• Sheik Alaa El Zokm – Heidelberg Mosque
• Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann – ARK Centre
• Rev Julie Hall – Bentleigh Uniting Church
Three religious leaders reflect on how something we all take for granted, coming together in prayer and worship in a physical space, has been impacted by these times of social distancing. Has it created only anxiety and feelings of isolation or have we seen manifestations of love and kindness.
For Information & Registration
Click here to register on Eventbrite Kindness Love In A Time Of Separation tickets
All those who register will be emailed further details and the Zoom link for the virtual event nearer the time of the event.
We ask that all participants review the JCMA Principles of Dialogue visiting this link on our website https://jcma.org.au/principlesofdialogue/ prior to the event. We look forward to your participation in what promises to be a topical and stimulating event. For further information call Ginette on Mob: 0400 211 221 or email winterconference@jcma.org.au.
Find us on facebook at http://facebook.com/jcmaonline and twitter twitter.com/jcmaoz #interfaith, #jcmaconference2020
JCMA Annual Winter Conference 2018
This year’s JCMA Conference in July 2018 will explore the meaning of prayer and the skills we need to listen to one another with respect. The key to interreligious dialogue is listening. We ask “Does God answer my prayer?” – but are we listening for God’s answer? And how can we listen to each other, if our ears are closed?
Theme: “Listening to God and to each other: Prayer and Dialogue”
Venue: Don Bosco Centre at 465 Lysterfield Road, Lysterfield
Date & Time: 2:00pm Sunday 29 July to 5:30pm Monday 30 July 2018
Registration: https://jcmawc2018.eventbrite.com.au
New Conference Format
We have taken into account feedback on the two most recent JCMA Winter Conferences and have significantly reworked the format in order to make the experience more accessible to more people. In this way we hope to open up the experience of JCMA to a wider audience without missing the opportunity for the more intimate reflection time afforded by the Winter Conference.
Sunday – from 2pm to 8:30pm – a Seminar Day, with input from members and guest speakers. The day will be open to whoever would like to come with no obligation to remain overnight for the second day of the conference on Monday. This Seminar day will include all the main “input” sessions of the conference. Afternoon tea and a vegetarian meal will be included as part of the program for all who attend. Most importantly, there will be no set charge for attendance on this day – so that no one will feel excluded and as a demonstration of hospitality. (We do ask that those who attend contribute a donation – if they can – to help JCMA cover the incurred costs.)
Monday continuing overnight from Sunday and all day until 5:30pm – a Retreat Day, consisting of time spent in discussion groups and in reflection on scripture texts from each of our three traditions. This will be a time to interact on a deeper level, to listen to one another and to God, and to absorb what we are hearing. It is expected that those who are participating on the Monday also participate in the Sunday Seminar and stay overnight, although this is not mandatory.
Who is it for?
• JCMA conferences are intended for people of all ages who are members of one of the three Abrahamic faith communities, Judaism, Christianity and Islam and is supported by major religious institutions within each faith community.
• Participants include men and women, young and old, lay and clergy, academics and students, and those working in community or welfare roles.
• All participants are asked to agree to the JCMA Principles of Dialogue https://jcma.org.au/priniciples-of-dialogue/
• Anyone from the Jewish, Christian or Muslim communities who subscribes to the aims and purpose of the conference is encouraged to register.
Registration of Interest
To register go to Eventbrite: https://jcmawc2018.eventbrite.com.au. When registering, please register for EITHER the Sunday Seminar or the Full Package Sunday/Monday:
a) Sunday Seminar is Free to register. Please consider making a donation toward the costs.
b) Full Package (Sunday and Monday) – the cost for this is $160 (plus Eventbrite booking fee), which includes the Sunday Seminar, overnight accommodation, Monday Retreat and all meals. The Conference Planning Committee will review each registration and provide further details of the event and the program by email closer to the date to all those who registered as conformation of registration. Please note: The Conference Committee retains the right to decline registrations.
For Information
For further information contact David (Chair, JCMA Conference Committee), call 0400 978 938 or eic@cam.org.au or Ginette (Executive Officer, JCMA) – (03) 9287 5590 or executiveofficer@jcma.org.au.
We look forward to hearing from you and do hope you can join us! m you and do hope you can join us!
JCMA Annual Winter Conference 2017
The theme of the Conference generally follows “Faith and Society”, exploring the interplay between these two all-embracing realms of our existence in the modern context of Australia today. The conference is for those who identify as Jewish, Christian or Muslim, however we are happy to receive participants from all over Australia.
There will be times of joint scripture study, prayer, hearing about the life experiences and faith journeys of others, and sharing our own particular interests. All of this will be around living together and sharing meals over a 30 hour period. We are currently compiling a detailed program.
Following our successful conference last year, the Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia will be holding a short Winter Conference again in 2017.
Details of the conference and Eventbrite link to register you interest are below so we do hope you can join us!
JCMA Winter Conference 2017
Date: 2pm Sunday 6th August to 5pm Monday 7th August 2017
Venue: St Paul Retreat Centre, Nortons Lane, Wantirna South.
Cost: $160
Theme: ‘Faith and Society’
Vegetarian Meals and accomodation are included. Please see event brite for more details and to book your spot:
Please Note: Locations and dates may change on an annual basis, please check back for up-to-date details here.