JCMA Education Officer – Part Time
An exciting part time position is available to manage the JCMA educational program in schools. Our workshops provide a forum to promote the acceptance of diversity and difference and encourage harmony in our schools and wider community. We aim through our schools program to positively counter stereotypes and religious discrimination.
Position Description: A position description can be downloaded here:JCMA Schools Program – Education Officer Position March2019
Applications Due: 3rd March 2019
How To Apply: Applicants to provide the following:
1. A letter addressing each of the skills and experience criteria listed above
2. A resume of educational qualifications and previous work experience
3. A list of at least three (3) referees and their contact details
For Enquiries: Contact by email: executiveofficer@jcma.org.au or call or mobile: 0400 211 221.
JCMA Schools Presenters
JCMA are looking for people of Jewish, Christian or Muslim faith backgrounds who are dynamic and articulate and confident public speakers for this unique opportunity to share experiences of their beliefs and practices with young people in schools. Our workshops provide a forum to promote the acceptance of diversity and difference and encourage harmony in our schools and wider community. We aim through our schools program to positively counter stereotypes and religious discrimination.
As a JCMA presenter you will need:
- Strong knowledge of your faith and willingness to share your story
- Capability to engage and connect with young audiences
- Knowledge to convincingly respond to questions and work collaboratively
- Confident presentation skills including role play (Primary Program is largely performance-based)
- these are paid casual positions
- presentations are usually conducted during school hours
Job description: For more details and a job description please download a job description here JCMA Schools Presenter Position – August 2017
To apply: Forward your CV by email, including a response to the skills & experience criteria to schoolscoordinator@jcma.org.au or call 0400 211 221
Picture top RHS:God Demands Love – Art Competition