JCMA Annual General Meeting 2022
‘Dialogue Around The Use of Religious Symbols’
The JCMA 2022 AGM will be held on Thursday 17th November 2022 on zoom with a panel of speakers on the theme ‘Dialogue Around The Use of Religious Symbols’.
Date: Thursday, 17th November 2021, 7.00 pm to 8.30 pm
Where: Online on Zoom (zoom link will be sent on registration)
Cost: Free
To Register: Eventbrite registration click here. All those who register will be emailed further details and Zoom link nearer the time of the event.
For more information: Contact Lorraine Lipson Mobile: 0419 687 593, Email: or Ginette mobile 0400 211 221
JCMA Annual General Meeting 2021
‘Intercultural Understanding’
The JCMA 2021 AGM will be held on Wednesday 17th November 2021 on zoom with keynote speaker, Dr Ian Grant, the Education Project Officer on the ICUP (Intercultural Understanding Partnership) Schools Program at JCMA. Ian will share how his life experiences shaped his understanding of intercultural engagement, lessons learned and rewards along the way.
Ian has a PhD from Monash University drawing from the disciplines of cultural anthropology and sociology to examine the development of indigenous leadership amongst the Enga people of Papua New Guinea. Along with Ian’s childhood as a Third Culture Kid’ in Vanuatu, and lifelong immersion in various cultural contexts and languages shaped Ian’s approach to intercultural education. He has been a part of a range of educational programs over the last 40 years and at JCMA on the ICUP grant program.
Date: Wednesday 17th November 2021, 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
Zoom meeting: (zoom link will be sent on registration)
RSVP and register here:
Enquiries: Contact Lorraine Lipson, 0419 687 593,
JCMA Annual General Meeting 2020
Museums Together’A Collaborative Islamic & Jewish Interfaith Schools Program
The JCMA AGM will be held on Thursday 12th November 2020 with a keynote presentation, Museums Together’ – A Collaborative Islamic & Jewish Interfaith Schools Program’ with Sherene Hassan from the Islamic Museum of Australia and Jenny Better from the Jewish Museum of Australia.
The Museums Together’ program brought Jewish and Islamic schools together enabling students to develop a deeper understanding of their own history, faith and culture. This empowered students to connect and share their experiences and stories with each other. For many students this was the first time they had the opportunity to meet a Jewish or a Muslim person. Sherene Hassan and Jenny Better will share their experiences and lessons learned from this unique and special collaborative interfaith project.
Date: Thursday 12th November 2020, 6.00 pm to 7.30 pm
Zoom meeting: Link to be emailed to all who register.
Register here:
Enquiries:call 03 9287 5590 or 0400 211 221
To download flyer click here:JCMA AGM 2020 flyer
To download speaker profiles click here:JCMA Museums Together – Speaker Profiles
JCMA Annual General Meeting 2017
New Kids On The Block’- Interfaith Conversations
What is the interfaith experience like for young people of faith today? Is interfaith important to them? What are the challenges? What do we need to do to engage young people today more in interfaith encounters and activities? Come along and hear three young inspirational members of JCMA, Eva Sweid, Bracha Rafael and Amna Iqbal, talk and reflect on their own personal experiences.
Date: Thursday 16th November Time: Arrive 6.45 for 7.00 start Venue: Cathedral Room, Cardinal Knox Centre, 383 Albert Street, East Melbourne. Google maps link:
To register: go to Eventbrite or RSVP by calling 03 9287 5590 or email: Facebook: Twitter
Some forty people heard JCMA’s Patron, Sir James Gobbo AC CVO deliver a thought provoking message entitled “JCMA AGM Multicultural Australia Its Links with Multifaith Australia“.
Sir James highlighted the importance of faith as being an essential part of the success of multiculturalism while recognising the lack of a specific link between a multicultural Australia and a multifaith Australia.