The Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees – 9 April 2017

Come join us on the Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugeeson Sunday 9thApril at 1.30pm for 2pm start.Meeting at theState Library of Victoria, Swanston Street, Melbourne many of us will be walking behind a banner “Jews, Christians MuslimsTogether for Refugees”. We shall meet beforehand on the steps of the library. Information can be found as attached and at

JCMA proudly supports The Palm Sunday Walk for Justice for Refugees Walk, organised by the Refugee Advocacy Network, will be led by well-known people from various civic and community organisations, including an inter-faith panel from Jewish, Christian and Muslim faiths, academics, union representatives, media personalities, entertainers, musicians, writers and sportspeople.

JCMA is a signatory to the Joint Statement by Victorian Local Governments on Asylum Seekers and we join Australia’s international aid organisations, community organisations and our local community in calling on our Federal Government to put in place more compassionate solutions that improve the rights and protect refugees seeking asylum on our shores.