Protecting your privacy is important to JCMA . We strive to keep your personal information confidential. Please take a moment to read the following policy to learn how we handle your personal information.
Using your email addresses
We will ask you if we can include your email on a list of participants on the clear understanding that it is only to be used for one-to-one communication and not to be added to any lists without expressed written permission. All recipients are expected to observe this practice, though it is beyond JCMA’s control to ensure this. For general mailings we will use blind copy so your email address does not appear.
Why we collect personal information
JCMAcollects and uses your personal information to give you an information based service, to provide you with convenient access to our services, and to make a wider range available to you. In addition, we use your personal information to keep you up to date on the latest events announcements, updates, special events, and other information you’d like to hear about.
How we collect personal information
We collect information about you in several ways. For example, we might ask for your contact information when you correspond with us, call us to make a purchase or request services, register to attend a conference, or participate in an online survey.
How we protect your personal information
JCMAsafeguards the security of the data you send us with physical, electronic, and managerial procedures. We take every precaution to protect your personal data when you are on the Internet. In general you should change your passwords, use a combination of letters and numbers, use a secure browser.
Our commitment to privacy
JCMA web site contains links to other sites.JCMAdoes not share your personal information with those web sites and is not responsible for their privacy practices.
If we are going to use your personal information differently from that stated at the time of collection, we will try to contact you via email using the most recent information we have. If you have not given us permission to communicate with you, you will not be contacted, nor will we use your personal information in a new manner.
TheJCMACustomer Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time. We encourage you to review the privacy policy regularly for any changes.