JCMA Friendship Walk
Ballarat Interfaith Network & Jewish Christian Muslim Association’s Friendship Walk
Sunday 20th October 2019 2pm-5pm
Spend an afternoon walking together in friendship and goodwill between Ballarat’s Central Uniting Church, Jewish Synagogue and Islamic Mosque. Beginning at the Central Uniting Church 103 Lydiard Street South, we will walk together to the Ballarat Hebrew Congregations Synagogue Cnr Princes St and Barkly St South, Bakery Hill and then the Islamic Mosque 116 Elsworth St East, Canadian. Through prayers of peace, reflection and informative talks, we will learn about some of the history and traditions of each of the places we visit.
Meeting Place & Planned Walking Route:
2.00pm Central Uniting Church 103 Lydiard Street South
3.00pm Hebrew Congregations Synagogue, Cnr Princes & Barkly St South, Bakery Hill
4.30pm Islamic Mosque 116 Elsworth St East, Canadian
5.00 pm Conclusion
Registration: For catering purposes, please register your attendance at: https://bin-jcma-
Visit: “Walking Maps” webpage:https://walkingmaps.com.au/
Water will be available en-route. At the walks’ conclusion, refreshments will be served at the Islamic Mosque.
The JCMA Friendship Walk,Sunday24thNovember 2019
Come along and spend an afternoon walkingtogether in friendship and goodwill betweena church, synagogue and a mosque.
Meeting Place & Planned Walking Route
1.15pm.Albanian Australian Islamic Society Mosque, 765 Drummond St, Carlton North VIC 3054, google maps:http://bit.ly/1KbPHwz
2.30pm.Church of All Nations,
3.40pm.East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, 488 Albert St, East Melbourne VIC 3002, google maps:http://bit.ly/2delE0D180 Palmerston St, Carlton, google maps:https://goo.gl/MmcnXC
4.10pm.St Peters Eastern Hill Anglican Church,15 Gisbome St, (corner of Albert St.) East Melbourne, google maps:http://bit.ly/1O4w0xE
Visit: “Walking Maps” webpage: https://walkingmaps.com.au/
Booking online: “Eventbrite” webpage: https://jcmafw19.eventbrite.com.au
More info:ContactGinette Everest on 0400 211 221 or email to:executiveofficer@jcma.org.au.
Details:See the attached flyer.
Ballarat Interfaith Network & Jewish Christian Muslim Association’s Friendship Walk
Sunday 28 October 2018 2pm-5pm
Spend an afternoon walking together in friendship and goodwill between Ballarat’s Mosque, Jewish Synagogue and Greek Orthodox Church. Beginning at the Islamic Mosque in Elsworth St East, Canadian we will walk together to the Ballarat Hebrew Congregation Synagogue Bakery Hill and then the Greek Orthodox Church Humffray St North. Through prayers of peace, reflection and informative talks, we will learn about some of the history and traditions of each of the places we visit. A brief Community Safety address will be given by Ballarat Community Police.
Meeting Place & Planned Walking Route:
2.00pm Islamic Mosque, 116 Elsworth St East, Canadian
3.30pm Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, Cnr Princes & Barkly St South, Bakery Hill
4.20pm Greek Orthodox Church, 116 Humffray St North
5.00 pm Conclusion
Registration: For catering purposes, please register your attendance at: http://bin-jcma-friendshipwalk.eventbrite.com.au or contact Margaret on #0400-650-234. To download a flyer click here:BIN-JCMA FRIENDSHIP WALK 2018 poster
Water will be available en-route. At the walks’ conclusion, refreshments will be served at the Greek Orthodox Church.
The JCMA Friendship Walk,Sunday21stOctober 2018
Come along and spend an afternoon walkingtogether in friendship and goodwill betweena church, synagogue and a mosque.
Meeting Place & Planned Walking Route
1.15pm.Albanian Australian Islamic Society Mosque, 765 Drummond St, Carlton North VIC 3054, google maps:http://bit.ly/1KbPHwz
2.30pm.Church of All Nations, 180 Palmerston St, Carlton, google maps:https://goo.gl/MmcnXC
3.40pm.East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation, 488 Albert St, East Melbourne VIC 3002, google maps:http://bit.ly/2delE0D
4.10pm.St Peters Eastern Hill Anglican Church,15 Gisbome St, (corner of Albert St.) East Melbourne, google maps:http://bit.ly/1O4w0xE
Visit: “Walking Maps” webpage: https://walkingmaps.com.au/walk/4062?preview=true(Map of the planned walking route)
Booking online: “Eventbrite” webpage: https://jcmafw18.eventbrite.com.au
More info:ContactGinette Everest on 0400 211 221 or email to:executiveofficer@jcma.org.au.
Details:See the attached flyer.
Ballarat Interfaith & Network & JCMA
Friendship Walk, 5th Nov
Come along, spend an afternoon walking together in friendship and goodwill. Meet and make new friends in Ballarat on 5th November at 2pm. Walk from St Alipius Catholic Churchin Victoria Street, Ballarat Eastto the Hebrew Congregation synagogue at Bakery Hill and on to the Islamic mosque in Elsworth Street, Canadian. We will start with a prayer of peace and learn about some of the history and traditions of the places we visit. This free interfaith event. Sponsored by BRMC (Ballarat Regional Multicultural Council).
To register call Margaret on 0400 650 234.
JCMA Friendship Walk, Melbourne, Sunday 22nd October 2017
Come along on Sunday 22nd October and spend an afternoon walking together in friendship and goodwill between amosque, synagogue and a church. Starting atthe Albanian Mosque in Carlton Northwe will walk together to the East Melbourne Hebrew Congregation Synagogue, thenwalk across the road toSt Peters Eastern Hill Anglican Church. We will start with a prayer of peace and reflections and then learn about some of the history and traditions of each of the places we visit. To register book your free ticket here ateventbrite https://jcmafw.eventbrite.com.au
Meeting Place & Planned Walking Route
1.45pm – Registration
2.00pm -Albanian Mosque– Imam Dr Bekim Hasani
765 Drummond St., Carlton North VIC 3054, google mapshttp://bit.ly/1KbPHwz
3.30pm -East MelbourneHebrew Congregation Synagogue– Rabbi Dovid Gutnick
488 Albert street, East Melbourne, google maps:http://bit.ly/2delE0D
4.00pm -St Peters Eastern Hill Anglican Church-Father Hugh Kempster
15 Gisborne Street (corner of Albert Street) East Melbourne, google maps:http://bit.ly/1O4w0xE
For People With Mobility Issues
A minibus is available for people with genuine mobility issues who cannot walk the distance thanks to Jewish Care who have generously provided a minibus.Seats are limited, bookings essential so please call Ginette on03 9287 5590for availability.At this time wheelchair access may be limited at some of the venues and on the minibus.
RSVP, Registration and Information
To register book your free ticket here athttps://jcmafw.eventbrite.com.au
For more information please call Ginette Everest on (03) 9287 5590 or 0400 211 221 or email to:executiveofficer@jcma.org.au.Go to our Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/jcmaonlineand Twitterhttp://twitter.com/jcmaozusing #JCMAwalk #JCMAfriendship #JCMAinterfaith and invite others to join us in walking together in friendship and peace.
JCMA is a not-for-profit organisation anddonations go directly towardsdeliveryof our many events, forums and conferences and to support our workshop programsin primary and secondary schools. As alisted harm prevention charitywe haveDGR (Deductible Gift Receipt) status.Your donations are tax-deductible (donations over $2 are tax-deductible).If you would like to make a donation to help support the work of JCMA please go to our websitehttps://jcma.org.au/donation.
JCMA Membership
JCMA is a membership based organisation for Jewish, Christian and Muslim people of faith. If you would like to find out about joining JCMA as a member you can go to our website athttps://jcma.org.au/jcma-membershipor call Ginette Everest on (03) 9287 5590 or email to:memberships@jcma.org.au.
Friendship Walk JCMA & Ballarat Interfaith Network: Sunday, 5th November
Planned Walking Route
2pm @ St Alipius Church, Victoria St, Ballarat
2.45 @ Hebrew Congregation of Ballarat Synagogue, Barkly St, Bakery Hill
3.45 @ Islamic Mosque, Elsworth St, Canadian
All welcome to attend.
RSVP, Registration and Information
To Register for this event please phone Margaret: 0400 650 234 or Maureen: 0418 383 802
JCMA Friendship Walk 2016
The Jewish Christian Muslim Association of Australia runs an annual friendship walk around October-November of each year, where you are welcome to join us and spend an afternoon walking together in friendship and goodwill between a church, synagogue and a mosque.See the video from last year’s walk and read what some its organisers and participants had to say as well:
We as a people, share so much in common. A walk, a conversation, a handshake, a smile, a greeting and curiosity for one another’s experiences was shared on this day. This is consciousness at work. Getting out of your comfort zone takes you to your comfort zone, this zoning is better known as understanding the unfamiliar. To realise that we have more in common; than not. Through the act of walking, the ordinary becomes something extraordinary through the amalgamation of commonalities. Put simply, we are all so different yet, paradoxically so similar to each other. Walking is an adjunct to understanding our common ground. – The Albanian Australian Islamic Society
In this day and age of so much misunderstanding, this is a great opportunity to meet with others and maybe learn a little about each other’s faith. I’m looking forward to a day of sunshine, fresh air and friendship. – Dan Wootton, Moderator for 2015 JCMA Friendship Walk
Interested promoting our walk? View our previous walks’ media kit