JCMA AGM 2021 – Intercultural Understanding
The JCMA 2021 AGM will be held on Wednesday 17th November 2021 on zoom with keynote speaker, Dr Ian Grant, the Education Project Officer on the ICUP (Intercultural Understanding Partnership) Schools Program at JCMA. Ian will share how his life experiences shaped his understanding of intercultural engagement, lessons learned and rewards along the way.
Ian has a PhD from Monash University drawing from the disciplines of cultural anthropology and sociology to examine the development of indigenous leadership amongst the Enga people of Papua New Guinea. Along with Ian’s childhood as a Third Culture Kid’ in Vanuatu, and lifelong immersion in various cultural contexts and languages shaped Ian’s approach to intercultural education. He has been a part of a range of educational programs over the last 40 years and at JCMA on the ICUP grant program
Date: Wednesday 17th November 2021, 6.30 pm to 8.00 pm
Zoom meeting: (zoom link will be sent on registration)
RSVP and register here: https://jcmaagm2021.eventbrite.com.au
Enquiries: Contact Lorraine Lipson, 0419 687 593, secretary@jcma.org.au.
Download flyer here: JCMA 2021 AGM
Download Executive Officer AGM Report here:Executive Officer AGM Report 211117