School Project Home

Schools Project:
This interfaith project seeks to increase understanding of similarities and respect for difference amongst school students, staff and parents. The-JCMA-Schools-Program-is-conducted-for-government-and-non
Jewish Christian, Muslim Association of Australia a Victorian based organisation established in 2003 aims to enable people of faith to deepen their understanding by meeting read on>>
There have been several small projects over the past two years starting to address these issues, and receiving a positive response. We consider this to be further evidence of need, and we seek to draw and build on their experience. read on>>
About a week prior to the workshop going ahead at your school the JCMA Schools Program Coordinator or another representative from JCMA will contact you either by phone or with a school visit read on>>
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Participating Schools
There are many schools thta have been selected to participate on this project read on>>
Web links to other movements, supporting organisations,resources, Reading etc.
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